A Place to Explore & Learn with Fun Expert Teachers
Growth Through Nurturing
About Roseville Kidicare
We opened our doors Januarie 2015. We did not know how many children would show up but we took a leap of faith and opened our doors. We started with two children but our numbers quickly went up. By the end of 2015 we had about 50 children. From there we grew a bit bigger every year.
Education games & activities
We put children first
Learning languages
We encourage an honest, open culture
Gifted & Talented Program
Music activities for all
Teaching kids to express their creativity
Our Class Teachers
Marinda Maritz
Uiltjies Class Teacher
Ek sou myself die beste as ‘n “op die nippertjie” persoon beskryf. Ek is passievol oor my beroep en het ‘n uitsonderlike liefde vir klein kindertjies.

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Maria Motsi
Kanaries Class Teacher
I am 50 years old with three children and five grandchildren. I’m not married as there was no luck for me in marriage.

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Mashea Bornman
Kwikkies Class Teacher
Ek is ‘n baie vriendelike persoon met ‘n sprankelende persoonlikheid wat hou van geselsies aanknoop.

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Cheline Botha
Mossies Class Teacher
Ek is ‘n gelukkige getroude 23 jarige dame. Ek is ‘n liefdevolle mens wat omgee vir my familie, medemens en enige ander mens om my.

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Anneke Venter
Sysies Class Teacher
Ek is baie passievol oor my werk. Dit is vir my een van die grootste voorregte om deel van ‘n kind se grondslag jare te wee.

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Caroline Jonker
Vinkies Class Teacher
I am a qualified staff nurse with 16 years of experience, mostly in the paediatric ward. Now I am just the “kaalvoet tannie” living out her passion and love for children.

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What We Offer

Curabitur sed lacus faucibus, efficitur nulla cursus, dictum quam. Praesent ornare nibh vel molestie fringilla.
Nulla non vulputate odio tesque eu dui quis orci interdum lobor quam viverra elit et dui ultrices.

Classroom Facilities
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus is mollisest non commodo luctus, nisi erat poitor ligul eget lacinia odio sem nec elitean eu leo quamesue ornare sem lacinia quam enatis velum.
Full Day Sessions
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus is mollisest non commodo luctus, nisi erat poitor ligul eget lacinia odio sem nec elitean eu leo quamesue ornare sem lacinia quam enatis velum
Educational Games

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus is mollisest non commodo luctus, nisi erat poitor ligul eget lacinia odio sem nec elitean eu leo quamesue ornare sem lacinia quam enatis velum.

Always Innovation

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus is mollisest non commodo luctus, nisi erat poitor ligul eget lacinia odio sem nec elitean eu leo quamesue ornare sem lacinia quam enatis velum.

Our Approach To Education
We Offer A Quality Children Care
Donec non nunc metus. Maecenas non velit leo. Cras semper lacinia sem t vitae tempor orc aesent nec leo magn isque a urna ac metus pellent esque viverra quis a tellus hasellus sagittis a dolor ac posuer hasellus.
Funny Educational Games
Donec non nunc metus. Maecenas non velit leo. Cras semper lacinia sem t vitae tempor orc aesent nec leo magn isque a urna ac metus pellent esque viverra quis a tellus hasellus sagittis a dolor ac posuer hasellus.
Your Neighborhood Preschool
Donec non nunc metus. Maecenas non velit leo. Cras semper lacinia sem t vitae tempor orc aesent nec leo magn isque a urna ac metus pellent esque viverra quis a tellus hasellus sagittis a dolor ac posuer hasellus.
Play, Learn, And Grow Together
Donec non nunc metus. Maecenas non velit leo. Cras semper lacinia sem t vitae tempor orc aesent nec leo magn isque a urna ac metus pellent esque viverra quis a tellus hasellus sagittis a dolor ac posuer hasellus.
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